« 松本市立美術館の草間弥生 | トップページ | 「路上ネイチャー」から見た放射能問題・自然のリテラシーから情報リテラシーへ »

2012年2月20日 (月)



















IInsects and Fukushima Disaster

For many of the photos for Tokyo Insects DigiWide, I took pictures crouching on
the ground. But today, generally 1.5-2 times, or 4-5 times in some area, as high level
of radiation as usual can be detected on the ground of Tokyo (I have my own Geiger
counter). Needless to say, that is because of the radiation emitted from Fukushima
nuclear power plants, which was damaged by the earthquake on March 11. Here, let me
consider, from the point of view of insects, what this situation means. For me, observing
insects sometimes lets me think what human beings are and what I am. The accident of
Fukushima also made me think about that.

1. “Preset thinking” and “creative thinking”

Observing insects, we find that they do their work –feeding, nesting, building nests,
act of courtship and egg laying- precisely according to their genetic program. Talking about
human, I think we do routine works with the same feeling as that of insects. Although
human and insects appears very different, we share the same root of the evolutionary tree.
So, here, I say that human and insects have something common in their mind.
The genetic program which controls insects’ behavior is, in other words, the preset
thinking. As insects follow the preset thinking, they can live efficiently without thinking on
their own. As for humans, they don’t always act in their own will. Routine works and many
other human acts are based on the common knowledge, the custom and assumptions.
Those are also kinds of the preset thinking, which let us avoid thinking on our own. This
preset thinking makes our life smooth and enhances the work efficiency. In this regard,
humans inherit insects’ way of thinking.
The preset thinking of insects are genetically fixed in accordance with the
environment to live in. So, life of insects depends on the environment. On the other hand,
the preset thinking of human isn’t genetically fixed. Instead, we program our own preset
thinking which fits to the environment, with the creative thinking and the language. That
is to say, the preset thinking of human is culture; each unique culture is made in each
environment. On the other hand, the creative thinking can criticize the existing preset
thinking, and this exercise developed human culture. In case of natural disaster, human
has avoided extinction by the creative thinking. Humans use both the preset thinking
inherited from insects and the creative thinking, in peacetime too.

2. Reaction of Japanese to Fukushima disaster

No doubt Fukushima disaster has changed, and is changing, our environment
dramatically. The disaster doesn’t seem to be calming down, and the massive radiation
given off from the site is spreading around Japan and the world, not to mention Fukushima.
In such a situation, Japanese government explained that “this won’t exert influence”
and they hid the information for fear that the disclosure of the shocking information
might cause a panic. Japanese, who weren’t informed of the fact of the great change of
our environment, couldn’t deal with the problem appropriately. That is why residents in
Fukushima were forced to be exposed to massive radition, and still, many people lives in
highly polluted areas. Our government hasn’t evacuated the children, who are vulnerable to
radioactive exposure, and they suddenly raised the exposure limit to 20 times higher. They
are forcing people to lead an ordinary life, while making no effective countermeasures.
Both the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs Fukushima plants, and Nuclear and

Industrial Safety Agency, which supervises TEPCO, underestimate the accident. Mass
media like newspapers and TVs go along with them and dare not report the truth. Those
in charge seem so dependent on the preset thinking that they forget to use the creative
thinking. They neither think on their own nor have a sense of responsibility, which is
causing the situation worse and worse. This country is run by insects’ mind, and this can no
longer be called as a modern nation.
How about the Japanese people’s reaction to this problem? When I talk about the
danger of the nuclear accident, many of my friends laugh at me saying “you are afraid too
much”, or warn me saying “don’t inflame the sentiment of fear”, or ignore me. Whereas,
all of the friends who can share the sense of danger with me complain that they can talk
about the nuclear problem with very few people around them. Today, the nuclear plant
accident and radiation matters are becoming the hot topic of discussion. But Japanese who
are interested in those problems are in minority, and most of Japanese are optimistic and
indifferent. As Plato pointed out, the characteristic of a state reflects that of the people; this
can be said about Japan. This concerns me too, of course, as I hadn’t known, or hadn’t
tried to know, how dangerous nuclear plants are until the accident. In that sense, I was no
less dependent on the preset thinking than this country is.

3. Future of insects in human

If the thought of humans are fixed and cannot be adapted to the changing
environment, what will be the future of us? Talking about insects, I think they can survive
the radiation-contaminated nature. Even if they get cancer or deformed, they will lead a
usual life and they will be normal after some generations. For them, the environment has
already greatly changed by urbanization. There survive only insects which adapted to small
unchanged areas, and this situation won’t be changed.
As to humans, when we think about the whole human beings, I don’t think we will be
extinct because of the Fukushima disaster. If someone get cancer or deformed, we have
to think about the individual, not only about human being as a species. Radiation is said
to have more influence on children, whose cell division is more active than grown-ups.
Although the situation seems all right today, it is predicted that many serious problems will
happen around Japan in several years. But I cannot be sure about these matters, for I am
not an expert of nuclear engineering. The influence of the radiation may not be clear for the
experts, neither. It can be true that the majority of Japanese are right, and I am taking the
situation too seriously.
I have found insects in human while thinking about the nuclear accident. Of course, I
have a kind of insects’ thinking in my mind, and so do people around the world. How should
I deal with insects in our mind? In order to know that, I will continue to observe insects in
humans, just as I observe insects in the city.


« 松本市立美術館の草間弥生 | トップページ | 「路上ネイチャー」から見た放射能問題・自然のリテラシーから情報リテラシーへ »


